The article explores the impact of personal factors of life satisfaction on decision-making in the context of ensuring of staff stability of companies in wartime. The war in Ukraine has caused a significant shortage of human resources across various sectors of the economy. This disrupts staff stability, affecting aspects such as recruitment, retention, and development, as well as outsourcing, layoffs, and staff replacement processes. Employee life satisfaction is a key factor in maintaining staff stability. It influences productivity, loyalty, and both the psychological and physical well-being of employees, enabling increased productivity, reduced staff turnover, improved workplace climate, enhanced adaptation processes in crisis situations, lowered stress and illness levels, heightened loyalty to the company, and improved corporate culture parameters. Based on empirical research, it was found that the majority of respondents (on average, about 60%) have a "below average" level of life satisfaction. This may be due to the impact of external stress factors (war, internal displacement, emigration) and internal factors (anxiety about the future, professional demands, low wages, etc.). A relationship was identified between life satisfaction factors and coping strategies in decision-making. People who are actively engaged in life tend to use a productive decision-making style called "vigilance," while those dissatisfied with their lives, who feel disillusioned, fatigued, and anxious about the future, are more likely to choose unproductive coping strategies such as avoidance, procrastination, and hyper-vigilance. Income level has a positive correlation with life satisfaction: the lower the income, the less satisfaction a person feels with life. The practical value of this study lies in substantiating the need to ensure the mental health and well-being of employees to improve staff stability, productivity, effectiveness, and loyalty. Recommendations are provided on how to enhance staff stability by improving life satisfaction factors in the face of external stressors.
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