Keywords: logistics, logistics management, management system, logistics system, environmental factors, performance indicators


The article provides an essential description of logistics management, components of the hierarchy of management of logistics processes at the enterprise, environmental factors and indicators of the efficiency of the logistics system in accordance with modern business requirements. Modes of logistics management are diverse, they are related to logistics functions and ensure their implementation. An important part of the management methods applied in practice refers to logistics. The suitability of logistics management methods is determined by the specifics of methods and methods of influence, the specifics of management objects determined by economic flows. The main goal of management is to optimize the operation of trading systems, minimize the total costs of transactions, logistics and processing, as well as the effective organization of specific forms of influence on the current state of the commodity market. The main idea of the logistic approach to the organization and management of business activity is the idea of integration of all its components. This idea is related to the fact that the flows of raw materials, financial resources and information are connected at technologically independent levels and stages in the general management system. The potential of integrated logistics makes it possible to achieve the company's goals within the framework of its mission and acts as a strategic factor in increasing competitiveness in the commodity market of Ukraine. The indicators that characterize and evaluate the efficiency of logistics are determined: indicators of the characteristics of the logistics system; indicators characterizing the operation of the logistics system. A systematic approach to management is presented, which not only allows you to clearly coordinate the activities of warehouse units, but is also the basis for planning and controlling the movement of goods in the warehouse with the lowest costs. At the same time, the integrated management method has advantages over the traditional method, which is organized according to the principle of managing parts of individual companies. Based on the most important functions of management, the most important directions of managerial influence on logistics activity are highlighted.


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How to Cite
Bahorka, M., Ilchenko, T., & Kravets, O. (2023). THE PLACE OF LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT IN THE ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. Economy and Society, (53).

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