The article analyzes the development of the process of decentralization and the creation of territorial communities in Ukraine since 2014 as of December 31, 2021. As of January 1, 2022, 1469 territorial communities have been formed in Ukraine. The distribution of the number of communities by oblasts is analyzed. It is established that the largest number of territorial communities is formed in Odessa and Dnipropetrovsk regions. The largest number of rural communities is also observed in these areas. In the Dnipropetrovsk region, the number of rural communities exceeds the number of urban communities by almost 2 times. The ratio of urban, township and rural territorial communities is analyzed with a statement of significant advantage of the latter group. Emphasis is placed on the need to develop the agricultural potential of territorial communities, which will be the key to the development of rural areas. It is determined that the budgets of rural communities are filled mainly at the expense of tax revenues of agricultural enterprises (70-90%), and the welfare of rural areas is directly dependent on the development of the farming sector. The main priorities of the state agrarian policy are: creation of conditions for realization and protection of the rights of peasants to the earth, formation of market land relations, protection of lands; strengthening the social protection of the rural population, the establishment of wages and pensions of agricultural workers not below the average level in the country's economy; development of state and regional programs of integrated rural development; state support for the development of competitive agricultural production on the basis of cooperation and integration; state support of agricultural sector entities by concentrating state resources on priority areas of development; state support for training, retraining and advanced training of specialists, research for the agricultural sector; creating conditions for the consolidation of qualified specialists in agriculture, education, culture, health care and consumer services in rural areas. A common problem in the development of farming in many rural communities is a significant reduction in vegetable production. In order to stimulate the development of vegetable growing, communities need to develop effective mechanisms to support vegetable growers, in particular, reducing the tax burden, priority access to the lease of vacant land, and so on. Each territorial community must have special departments (divisions) of agricultural development in the state. Among their main functions will be: implementation of state and regional policy in the field of agricultural development; ensuring sustainable development of agricultural production, agricultural entrepreneurship, farming; transparent land management.
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