In this article examines the theoretical aspects of the resistance of the company's personnel, in particular, its essence and distinguishing features. The need to ensure a high level of staff stability is substantiated, taking into account the peculiarities of the staff as a special type of resource of the enterprise. On the basis of a synonym analysis, synonymous concepts of staff stability (stability, constancy, resilience) and qualities that make it possible to characterize staff stability and separate this concept from related concepts have been determined. The essence of the stability of the company's personnel is defined as the dynamic state of the personnel management system, which characterizes its ability to maintain efficiency under the influence of internal and external transformations with the provision of a balance of quantitative and qualitative parameters, which is aimed at ensuring the needs and requests of the personnel and creating competitive conditions for its development at the enterprise. Personnel stability is considered as the ability of the collective to preserve and develop the potential of the enterprise under the condition of dynamic personnel movement (reduction, change, development, turnover, promotion, etc.), and the criterion of personnel stability is such a collective, in which the dynamics of personnel stability indicators leads to an increase in the personnel potential of the enterprise, increase in productivity and labor efficiency, which significantly affects other indicators of the company's activity. The dual nature of the stability of the company's personnel is revealed as a dualism of the manifestations of the stability of the personnel at the personal level (as a cluster of competencies) and at the corporate level (as a dynamic state of the personnel management system, its stability). The study of personal manifestations of staff stability (its resilience) in the integrated system of company staff competencies is of significant scientific interest and has prospects for further research. Without a doubt, personnel is an important strategic resource of the enterprise, which must be used rationally and create favorable conditions for its development.
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