Keywords: economic behavior, provision, life satisfaction, corporate management, models, decision-making subjects, subjective factors, Well-being


The article is discus the topical issues related to the problems of ensuring Well-being in corporate management, in particular, its main models and determining the impact on the economic behavior of decision-making subjects. The proper understanding of Well-being in corporate management as a system of corporate strategy measures aimed at nurturing the well-being of individual individuals (physical health, psychological comfort, financial well-being, active social interaction), and through them – members of the team, collective and all employees of the company is provided. The role of Well-being in the corporate management system is revealed through the study of models of well-being, in particular, the simple model of well-being, the classic model of Well-being PERMA by M. Saligman, the model of interaction of stakeholders of Well-being corporate events. An approach to ensuring corporate Well-being based on a cognitive-behavioral concept is proposed and a cognitive-behavioral model of Well-being based on the concept of life satisfaction is built. The concept of life satisfaction is a set of approaches that explain external objective results of human activity with internal subjective feelings of happiness and life satisfaction. The structure of the cognitive-behavioral model of Well-being is defined, which, in addition to life satisfaction factors, includes the following components: economic behavior, attitude to money and monetary behavior, risk and rationality in decision-making. Diagnostics of factors of life satisfaction (life involvement, disappointment in life, fatigue from life, concern for the future) makes it possible to determine the degree of development of Well-being in corporate management. The basis for the cognitive-behavioral model of Well-being is the method of diagnosing life satisfaction (N. Melnikova), which contains four groups of parameters: life inclusion, disappointment in life, fatigue from life, concern for the future. The conducted studies proved that life satisfaction factors significantly affect other components of the model: economic and monetary behavior, personal decision-making factors (risk and rationality).


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How to Cite
Vartanova, O. (2022). WELL-BEING IN CORPORATE MANAGEMENT: KEY MODELS AND IMPACT ON ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR. Economy and Society, (45). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2022-45-3

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