Keywords: agriculture, sustainable development, agricultural sector, clusters, system of factors


The article presents a comprehensive analysis of factors contributing to sustainable development of agriculture in Ukraine, especially in the regional context. Central to the discussion is the concept of "sustainable development", which the authors reveal as a combination of economic, social, organizational, technical and environmental factors. These elements are considered crucial for ensuring the longevity and sustainability of the agricultural sector in the face of challenges associated with globalization, market integration and increased competition. The study emphasizes the multifaceted nature of sustainable development and the need to balance economic growth with social well-being and environmental protection, thereby ensuring the well-being of future generations. Understanding and developing sustainable development practices is of paramount importance in the context of Ukraine, where agriculture occupies an important economic, social and political position. In addition, this article emphasizes the need for a nuanced understanding of the complexities of the agricultural sector in order to develop strategies that effectively promote sustainable agricultural development. A notable aspect of the study is the examination of international agro-industrial clusters and their impact on the Ukrainian economy. These clusters function as distinct organizational forms that influence the dynamics of agricultural production and trade in the country. By analysing their role and impact, this study provides insights into how Ukraine can use global networks to improve agricultural competitiveness and sustainability. The proposed framework of agricultural sustainability factors provides policymakers, researchers and stakeholders with a structured framework for assessing and addressing the challenges facing the agricultural sector. By identifying and prioritizing these factors, decisionmakers will be able to develop targeted strategies to promote sustainable agricultural practices at both regional and national levels. In conclusion, this article has provided a comprehensive overview of the theoretical underpinnings and practical implications of sustainable agriculture in Ukraine. Through careful analysis and insight, it contributes to the ongoing debate on how to navigate the complexities of modern agriculture while promoting sustainability, prosperity and environmental stewardship.


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