Keywords: team, project, management, virtual teams, Scrum teams


The essence of the concept of "team" is considered and its difference from the usual team of employees is emphasized, namely in cohesion in order to achieve the set goals. The technology of human resources management in the project from the viewpoint of functional approach (planning of project work and the number of project team, their organization through the set and distribution of functional responsibilities, motivation through a system of material and moral incentives, control through evaluating the effectiveness of their project tasks and regulation detected deviations). The information on project personnel management, which is presented in the Guide to the Project Management Knowledge Base, which is a key standard for project management to date, is highlighted. A brief description of Scrum methodology as a kind of Agile methodology and Scrum team as an example of modern organization of project teams due to its flexibility, motivation, quick response to customer requirements, level of cohesion, change accounting, etc. The main aspects of human resource management in projects are presented, namely: change management (resistance), organizational management, adaptation management, knowledge management (development), conflict management, current motivation system based on Nudge methods - technology and a set of leadership skills and tools. Their essence and significance in the project team management are briefly revealed. Attention is paid to the virtual teams of the project, which became the main species during the pandemic. Based on the use of methods of generalization, observation and analysis, their strengths and weaknesses are revealed. Recommended measures to minimize problems in virtual teams, in particular using effective tools that operate in Scrum teams, namely: daily meetings, or increasing their number during the week, dividing the project into separate sprints, strengthening control over their implementation through retrospectives, openness in discussing problems, flexibility, etc. It is emphasized that the combination of classical approaches to personnel management and new trends in this area will ensure the effective functioning of project teams in the direction of achieving their goals.


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How to Cite
Peredalo, K., & Oherchuk, Y. (2020). ABOUT SOME MODERN ASPECTS OF PROJECT TEAM MANAGEMENT. Economy and Society, (22). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2020-22-7