The article is devoted to the topical issue of the impact of image marketing on the growth of brand recognition indicators of territorial communities. In the course of the study, the impact of Russian aggression on the reduction of the economic and demographic potential of both the state in general and territorial communities in particular was considered. Analysis of the works of Ukrainian and foreign authors demonstrated the impossibility of quickly restoring lost indicators without a significant amount of foreign investment, and the importance of territorial branding in this context. The comprehensive model of brand capital of CEM territories, which includes economic, political, historical, cultural, geographical and ecological factors of community image formation, is considered. On the basis of the works of domestic researchers, the items of expenditures of territorial communities that influence the formation of their positive brand were selected and investigated, namely, expenditures on general secondary education; expenses on culture; education expenses; expenditure on physical education and sports. In the process of analysis, significant differentiation of communities of Lviv region in the context of the specified expenses was revealed. In particular, the difference in terms of aggregate expenditures was 2.53 times, expenditures on culture – more than 10 times, education – 2.74 times, which indicates both different resource potential and different priorities of the communities of the region. A significant drop in spending on culture and sports was revealed, which is associated with an increase in spending on security. In general, in 3 communities of the region, the volume of expenses related to the formation of a positive brand exceeded UAH 15,000, in 55 communities – within 10-15 thousand UAH, in 15 communities – up to 10,000 UAH. We consider these costs to be insufficient, but significant, given the presence of martial law. In the future, a wider involvement of non-profit organizations for the promotion of territories is recommended. An important element is cooperation in the field of marketing activities of neighboring communities within the region, which will contribute to a more effective distribution of limited financial resources.
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