The article focuses on innovative technologies used in the restaurant business. An essential condition for their implementation should be the ability of entrepreneurs to adapt to the new requirements of the economy. Those who show flexibility and ability to implement new technologies, principles of work, and customer service will be able to easily this period of minutes. By investing in innovative technologies, restaurateurs achieve certain advantages over competitors, which will positively impact the work of their establishments in the future. The article reveals the problems of development of the restaurant business because the restaurant business is very different from the production or other type of business, because of which restaurateurs face regular difficulties. Moreover, for many companies, the inability of managers to understand the need and achieve innovative renewal remains a problem, as there is a misunderstanding of the role of information as a fundamental resource for enterprise management. Enterprises with established innovation processes and developed infrastructure are analyzed. The current situation of their work has only accelerated the launch of "pilots" aimed at sustainability, transparency, and operational efficiency. It is proved that the mechanism of introduction of innovative management at all levels of the food industry is determined by intellectual, organizational, technical, production non-governmental, marketing and financial levers, and structured by technical, organizational-technological, interactive, software-complex factors. One of the unique, innovative concepts in the context of the coronavirus pandemic, which has a rapid tendency to develop, should be "automated maintenance". We should not forget that in the restaurant business, innovations have some features and depend on many factors, namely: the cost of the product, public health, purchasing power of the population, demography, level, and quality of life, attitude to a healthy lifestyle. To successfully work in catering, professionals need to be able to quickly respond to the constantly changing situation in the market and make optimal decisions based on management strategy, which involves the constant introduction of innovations. One of the unique, innovative concepts in the context of the coronavirus pandemic, which has a rapid tendency to develop, should be "automated maintenance". We should not forget that innovations have some features in the restaurant business and depend on many factors: the cost of the product, public health, purchasing power of the population, demography, level, and quality of life, attitude to a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, to successfully work in catering, professionals need to quickly respond to the constantly changing situation in the market and make optimal decisions based on management strategy, which involves the constant introduction of innovations.
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