Keywords: tourist services, restaurant services, quality management, tourist sphere, hospitality sphere, international tourist business


The article considers the features of the categorical apparatus of tourist and restaurant services. The basic concepts are analyzed, on which the quality management system in tourism is based. Nowadays, the structure of hospitality has developed in such a way that it does not fully meet the needs of the economy, with an advantage towards out-of-category and high-level tourism and restaurant enterprises, while the most popular are medium-level. Currently, not only individual organizations, but also most of the territorial tourist and recreational complexes do not have a clear positioning in the market, there is a gap between the level of quality and other consumer characteristics of tourist and restaurant services offered to consumers. The processes taking place in the tourism sector necessitate the search for and implementation of new approaches, forms and methods of effective management of the components of consumer attractiveness of tourist and restaurant services in conditions of limited resources, the formation of management systems. production has the quality of services provided. It is necessary to use the positive international experience of application of quality standards of the ISO 9000 series, realization of the concept of the general quality management. The prevailing concept of quality management of tourist and restaurant services is mainly focused on the impact on the controlled quality parameters of technical and functional nature, including restaurant interiors, the volume of basic and additional services offered at the level of individual production. Comprehensive quality management of tourist and restaurant services is allowed as possible and necessary, but at the same time is not implemented in the proper amount, limited to aspects of control, accounting. However, the steps taken to address this problem, related to the promotion of quality, the formation of a culture of production and consumption of quality products and services, are not sufficient, as they do not have a real basis for effective consolidation. The reasons for this lie outside the following of the subjects of supply and demand, the structures of management of changes in market conditions and their existence in different information environments, the actual separation from each other.


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How to Cite
Chuieva, I., Sydoruk, A., & Kravchenko, D. (2021). QUALITY MANAGEMENT AS A FACTOR OF IMPROVING THE EFFICIENCY OF TOURIST AND RESTAURANT SERVICES IN THE FIELD OF INTERNATIONAL TOURIST BUSINESS. Economy and Society, (29). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2021-29-47

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