The article is devoted to studying topical crisis management issues at hospitality industry enterprises during the COVID-19 pandemic. The article reveals the problems of the development of industrial enterprises, both in the world and in Ukraine, during the COVID-19 pandemic, describing the features of the anti-crisis management of well-known world-famous global networks. The main strategic approaches of anti-crisis management are analyzed. It has been proved that COVID-19 pushes companies to rapid changes in organization and work planning and jeopardizes sustainable management systems. It is determined that the hospitality industry leaders must provide such conditions for the organization that their companies can continue to operate through an unprecedented failure and quickly address the stability of essential business processes. It is substantiated that the defining elements of the anti-crisis strategy are decisions on the use of resources, adaptation to the external environment, internal coordination, creation of long-term competitive advantages. A practical tool that will allow the hotel and restaurant business to overcome turbulence is the active use of digital technologies. Employees can gain remote access, which is crucial for maintaining performance in a social distance. To optimize the improvement of work in crisis conditions, managers of the hospitality industry need to conduct many anti-crisis measures data analyses (including financial, commercial, and service audit); analysis of the current system and sales tactics; determining the share and structure of costs in the course of daily activities; optimization of organizational structure; optimization of the enterprise taxation system; identification of priority suppliers and scheduling of procurement; audit and/or development of an effective guest loyalty program; increase in additional sales (upscale); image management of the enterprise on the Internet and social networks; optimization and promotion of the site on the Internet (contextual advertising, increasing site conversion). Expanding platforms for the sale of services; Promoting the hotel in its popular booking system; analyzing the possible consequences of the crisis for the company; analyzing possible ways out of the situation; analyzing potential risk factors for these actions; analyzing the timing of crisis prevention. The success of strategic crisis management depends on the timely detection of the crisis and applying the most effective methods to overcome it. Therefore, effective functioning during the situation should be carried out using many strategic and tactical management strategies.
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