The article examines the peculiarities of using innovative approaches to improving marketing activities in agrarian business. It was established that there is a need to find new innovative mechanisms and tools that will ensure the formation of competitive advantages of agricultural enterprises. It has been proven that there is a need for agricultural enterprises to develop their marketing activities due to the introduction and effective use of product and technological innovations. The article systematizes and analyzes innovative approaches to effective marketing activities of an agricultural enterprise. The use of such innovative tools as Big Data, CRM systems, SCM systems, content marketing was analyzed. These innovations open up wide opportunities for the agrarian enterprise to increase the efficiency of marketing activities, increase competitiveness and strengthen market positions, ensure sustainable development of the company in a dynamic market environment. It was established that innovations can be introduced into production processes that directly affect the quality of products, which is the main element of the marketing offer. It has been proven that the use of precision farming technologies and biotechnology can increase productivity and reduce dependence on natural conditions. This will contribute to the stability of supplies and the satisfaction of customer requirements, especially international ones. It has been established that innovative approaches to marketing activities of agricultural enterprises are based on three key aspects: integration of modern technologies, optimization of business processes and activation of digital communication channels. It is well-founded that the introduction and use of innovative methods and tools opens up wide opportunities for the agricultural enterprise to increase the efficiency of marketing activities, increase competitiveness and strengthen market positions, ensure the sustainable development of the company in a dynamic market environment. It has been proven that the integration of modern technologies into all aspects of the marketing process will allow agricultural enterprises to ensure sustainable development and remain a leader in their field.
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