Keywords: corporate values, social responsibility, environment, ESG activities, ESG risk score


The article is devoted to the study of trends in ESG standards and activities implementation in the global and domestic business environment. Modern tendencies create new requirements for business, and ESG is one of the most common of them. In the first place, the ESG concept creates a platform for an open economy, where companies care for the environment, adhere to social and human values, and build transparent management structures. Therefore, the article reveals the reasons for the spread of ESG principles in the world, with an emphasis on the importance and necessity of implementing ESG activities by companies in Ukraine. And that appears especially important in Ukraine now, during severe military operations, as well as in the period of post-war reconstruction. Thus, the first stage of research is to examine the ranking of countries with the lowest level of ESG Risk Smart Score and countries and regions by the number of companies providing information according to the ESG Risk Smart Score in 2024. An initial comparison of these data showed that the countries with the highest number of ESG-active companies are not, unfortunately, the countries with the lowest level of risk regarding ESG negative factors. Therefore, high ESG activity does not guarantee the minimization of risks regarding their implementation. Additionally, the analysis of regulators' fines for detected shortcomings in financial audits in the world from 2020 to 2023 shows a rather illogical, but obvious connection between the growth of self-awareness and openness of business and, at the same time, the growth of financial manipulation and fraud. On the other hand, the latest data presented in the article also indicate that there is an interdependence between the accumulation of debt (including investments provided on ESG principles) and the growth of environmental risks. In conclusion, the article also ranks the main obstacles to the implementation of ESG standards, which are identified by the companies that implement them. Also, examples of ESG ideas implementation in Ukraine are provided. Summarizing all the above, the final opinion of the article is a statement about the necessity and willingness of Ukrainian companies to use ESG ideology in their daily activities.


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How to Cite
Bondarenko, L., & Skoropad, I. (2024). CURRENT TRENDS IN ESG ACTIVITIES OF COMPANIES IN UKRAINE AND WORLDWIDE. Economy and Society, (66).