Keywords: digitalization, e-commerce, distribution strategy, retail sphere, set of principles


Based on theoretical research and empirical evidence, it is argued that the development of e-commerce in the digitalization sphere requires adherence to a set of principles. All these principles are interconnected and interdependent. Applying scientific approaches, data analysis, collaboration with partners, learning, and social responsibility help businesses expand their capabilities, enhance user experience, attract more customers, and increase sales. Ignoring any of these principles can lead to negative consequences such as loss of competitive advantage, customer dissatisfaction, restricted access to new opportunities and technologies. The development of e-commerce in the digitalization sphere is a complex and dynamic process. Scientific research and practical experience confirm that successful operation of businesses in this field requires the use of a complex of principles that are interconnected and interdependent. Applying scientific approaches such as research, data analysis, experiments, and evaluation is a key element of successful e-commerce development. These approaches can identify consumer needs and requirements, generate new opportunities, and improve the company's strategy. Collaboration with partners also plays an important role in e-commerce development. Partnership relations allow businesses to combine their resources and expertise to achieve common goals. This may include joint projects, knowledge and resource sharing, as well as partnerships with specialized technological companies. Continuous learning and employee development are essential for success in e-commerce. Companies should invest in training their employees, stimulate their professional development, and encourage continuous self-improvement. This allows companies to stay abreast of the latest trends and utilize advanced tools and solutions. Social responsibility is also a significant aspect of e-commerce development. Companies should address environmental issues, ethical sourcing of goods and services, and demonstrate social responsibility in their activities. This can positively impact the company's image and enhance the attention of environmentally conscious consumers to the company. Ignoring any of these principles can have negative consequences for e-commerce companies. Loss of competitive advantage, customer dissatisfaction, and restricted access to new opportunities and technologies are just some of the possible negative consequences. Therefore, it is worth adhering to these principles and implementing them in practical activities for the successful development of e-commerce in the retail sphere. Overall, the development of e-commerce requires adherence to a complex of principles that are interconnected and interdependent. Considering these principles is crucial for e-commerce development, while ignoring them can lead to negative consequences and limit the potential for business development.


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How to Cite
Parasyuk, O., Rusyn-Hrynyk , R., & Farat, O. (2024). PRINCIPLES OF DEVELOPMENT OF E-COMMERCE IN THE FIELD OF RETAIL. Economy and Society, (61).

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