Keywords: marketing strategy, agricultural enterprise, marketing activities, digitalization, Internet-marketing


The article considers the theoretical essence and significance of the marketing strategy of agricultural enterprises. Emphasis is placed on the exceptional importance of marketing strategy in their activities. The formation of strategy is the main stage in the process of strategic management of an agricultural enterprise. Among the existing variety of enterprise strategies, marketing strategy plays a very important role. The main goals of marketing strategy in market conditions are considered. The main goals of the marketing strategy: to attract more customers or increase the number of orders, as a result to increase sales; make the offered product more attractive to the target audience; provide an increase in profits; capture a large market share; to become a leader in the selected segment. The marketing-oriented definition of the concept of "digitalization" is considered and its role in the marketing activities of agricultural enterprises is determined. It is the digitalization and application of digital marketing technologies and tools that are now becoming of paramount importance for modern enterprises in the agricultural sector. The main obstacles to the use of digital technologies in building the marketing strategy of agricultural enterprises are considered. Digital inequality is, firstly, the lack of access to high-speed Internet. Despite the fact that all rural areas (district centers) have main fiber-optic communication channels, many rural settlements have not yet had good enough Internet access. Second, the widespread use of the Internet in agriculture is hampered by traditional conservatism and farmers' distrust of new marketing technologies. Third, ignorance and lack of qualifications of some direct performers. Practical recommendations were given to farmers on Internet marketing tools, in particular on the feasibility of using the Internet to study the market of agricultural products, advertising on social networks and sales through special Internet sites. The strategic guidelines of agricultural enterprises according to the components of the marketing complex in the conditions of digitalization are determined.


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