Keywords: management, logistics, logistics management, flow processes, automation, stocks


The study is devoted to the peculiarities of logistics management as a tool for optimizing flow processes. It was established that in order to ensure the financial and economic stability and development of the enterprise, it is necessary to optimize its flow processes with the economic parameters of the business environment. It has been proven that logistics management is defined as planning, coordination and control of all stages of flow processes from supply to production and from production to the final consumer. The goal of logistics management is to ensure the reliable functioning of the entire supply chain and achieve the best economic result. It was determined that logistics management is a branch of management aimed at effective planning, control and coordination of various stages of the supply of goods or services from suppliers to end consumers. At the current stage, logistics management faces a number of problems, among which we can name the change in consumer behavior and requests, the too rapid growth of the influence of digital technologies on the movement of goods and services, the lack of appropriate personnel qualifications for the use of new technologies, the war in Ukraine and the destruction of logistics chains. The main tasks of logistics management include inventory management, warehouse logistics, transportation, order processing, supply chain management, inventory and other processes aimed at optimizing the movement of goods or services. The main goal of logistics management is to ensure the highest efficiency and economic benefit in the entire supply chain. typology of logistics management helps in creating a systematic approach to understanding and managing logistics processes in various spheres of activity. Four types of logistics management are distinguished. We note that logistics management is the strategic and operational management of the movement and storage of goods, information and finances through the supply chain in order to meet the needs of consumers. The main goal of logistics management is to provide optimal levels of service at minimum costs. An effective logistics system must be based on clear compliance with all its laws and regulations.


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How to Cite
Ilchenko, T. (2024). LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT AS A TOOL FOR OPTIMIZING FLOW PROCESSES. Economy and Society, (59). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2024-59-83