While the Russian-Ukrainian war has created extraordinary economic challenges, the tourism industry is looking for revolutionary ways to adapt by applying digital innovations that create favourable conditions for tourism development in the face of the global crisis. This article examines how digitalisation is having a disruptive impact on the tourism industry through the use of innovative digital technologies. After all, all Ukrainian enterprises in the face of modern challenges need unique digital innovations that include technical skills, creativity and leadership approaches. The paper identifies that Ukraine's tourism sector requires unique digital skills to be competitive in today's fast-changing world. This involves a combination of technical, creative skills and a leadership approach aimed at promoting innovation and using technology to create value for all stakeholders. By leveraging digital technologies and developing the necessary digital skills, tourism businesses in Ukraine can improve their operations, reach new audiences, and secure a sustainable future. It is determined that ICT has become a driving force for innovation, and its impact on the structure, processes and organisational foundation is quite profound and important. Every organisation needs unique digital skills to be competitive in a rapidly evolving environment. Taking into account the experience of tourism informatisation in the world, innovative digital technologies are proposed to be introduced into the Ukrainian tourism space, as meta-space is a new concept in digital tourism that will soon become the next breakthrough technology and will allow for immersive experiences in both virtual and physical environments. It is proved that in the context of the digital revolution, methods and mechanisms of marketing in the digital sector, especially in the tourism industry, are effective methods that are associated with transformations in the role of the Internet, reality and search engines and applications that are carried out during virtual tours, bookings, etc. Such methods are used to promote tourism in digital marketing tools and are applied in social media, social networks, websites, augmented reality, video, AR (virtual reality) and VR (virtual reality).
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