Formation, harmonious development and constant maintenance of competitive advantages for the domestic economy in the context of European integration, in general, and for its specific enterprises, in particular, are possible only under conditions of highly efficient formation and use of personnel. After all, the activities of domestic business have confirmed that the consistent application of proven and effective principles and methods for attracting and using human capital allows to obtain an appropriate level of return, increase the level of profitability, profitability of the enterprise, and obtain a socio-economic effect. The relevance of this issue in the context of European integration is confirmed by the active processes of forming a national program of regulatory approximation to EU law The methods of research are analysis, synthesis, and generalization. The paper determines that the application of proven and effective principles, methods for attracting and using human capital allows obtaining an appropriate level of return, increasing the level of profitability and profitability of an enterprise. A conceptual model of the process of assessing the level of efficiency of personnel of enterprises and organizations is proposed. The processes of evaluating personnel and their performance are time-consuming and require a high level of expertise. The recommended system for assessing the performance of employees should have a clear focus on identifying and assessing the level of their professional knowledge, experience, practical skills, skills, qualitative characteristics, comparing them with the approved requirements and norms, etc. The developed system for evaluating the performance of personnel of enterprises/organizations should be a purposeful process in the overall, integrated system of their management. The practical application is that harmonious development and maintenance of competitive advantages of the national economy in the European integration environment are possible with the effective formation and use of personnel. One of the key elements is the assessment of its effectiveness
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