The article discusses the stages of forming crisis management programs at hospitality industry enterprises. Today's realities of life in Ukraine are affected by negative factors such as war, pandemic consequences, economic crisis, inflation, etc. On the one hand, the industry must adapt to the evolution of society, which will affect hotel and restaurant businesses, and on the other hand, it must face the constraints imposed by the structure of the real sector, its specific context and its socio-economic status. Due to the numerous peculiarities of the hotel and restaurant business, the industry's sensitivity to crisis situations is higher than in other sectors of the economy. Therefore, the concept of crisis management should play a significant role in the activities of hotel and restaurant enterprises. Development and research of the crisis management system, prevention of crisis phenomena is a prerequisite for the recovery and increase of the growth rate of the Ukrainian economy, living standards, etc. Crisis management should be based on early diagnosis of crisis phenomena and development of preventive anti-crisis measures as a tool to prevent bankruptcy. While crisis management methods make global and comprehensive changes in the enterprise, anti-crisis measures are more specific and local. Nowadays, crisis management is an important part of the adaptive anti-crisis strategy in the hospitality industry, being an effective tool for controlling, preventing and gaining knowledge of threats in order to control the situation and understand how to manage market instability. With the right approach to implementing an anti-crisis strategy, hotel and restaurant companies have the opportunity to conduct innovative transformations and overcome the crisis of business identity. Сreation of an anti-crisis program of the enterprise will contribute to strengthening the position of the subject management in the conditions of a changing external environment and will ensure the transition organizations on an intensive type of development. It is substantiated that an effective settlement of the crisis situation should not be considered an event, should consist in a systematic, lengthy, regulated process to identify the vulnerabilities of the enterprise and prevent the recurrence of a similar problem in the future.
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