The article analyzes the problems and prospects of attracting foreign investment in renewable energy projects in Ukraine during the war and post-war periods. The key problems of the crisis state of domestic energy, including renewable energy, are identified. The main factors that determine and will determine the need for the development of renewable energy in the world and in Ukraine are determined. The advantages of renewable energy for the energy sector and economy of Ukraine are highlighted. The dynamics and structure of renewable energy capacity in Ukraine during 2010-2021 were analyzed. An assessment of the annual indicators of the technically achievable energy potential of the main areas of development of energy from renewable sources in Ukraine was carried out. The article analyzes and researches the reformation processes in the energy sector of Ukraine in recent years. Significant progress has been achieved, which is also accompanied by the harmonization of the domestic legal energy field with the legislation of the European Union. A step-by-step process of formation and implementation of the renewable energy development strategy of Ukraine in the post-war period has been developed. The decision to use renewable energy sources should be based on the results of long-term observations (monitoring) of the state of the environment in specific areas of the country. It is important that the information obtained in the monitoring process includes all parameters necessary for the development and development of a specific energy system. Based on the conducted analysis, recommendations are given regarding the realization of the existing potential for the development of renewable energy in Ukraine under the conditions of European integration in the post-war period. It is recommended to improve the procedures for forming a comprehensive post-war recovery strategy, taking into account the level of energy security (compatibility with economic security), environmental assessment, assessment of the impact on the environment and climate, etc.
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