Keywords: quality management, UNWTO, tourist activity, tourism, tourist operator, international tourist business, technologies of tourist activity, military aggression, organization of tours


The article examines some theoretical aspects of the use of tourism technologies in the work of tourism organizers of Ukraine and the world. It was found that at the moment, tourism organizers use the following tour organization schemes in their activities: firstly, it is direct cooperation with suppliers of the necessary tourist services participating in the formation of the tour package, secondly, the organization of tours with the help of intermediaries – which includes not only accommodation in the hotels of the resort, as well as the organization of a transfer from the airport and back, an excursion and cultural program. Examples and statistical data on the prospects for the development of international tourism business in Ukraine and the world are given. The positive features and shortcomings of the organizational work of tourism organizers regarding the modern development of the field of hospitality, both national and foreign, are revealed. Of course, the military aggression against Ukraine, mass shelling and martial law had a negative impact on the work and activities of the country's tourism organizers, some even left the domestic market of tourist services, but some continue their activities for the sake of the future economy of their country. Along with the positive nature, some trends in the development of international tourism have a negative nature. The negative results of the globalization of tourism include: the unstable situation of the economy, which in one way or another reacts to changes in macroeconomic parameters; the growing number of "poor" countries makes unique parts of the world inaccessible for travel; detrimental impact on the development of national tourism of global travel companies; terrorism on a global scale, which reduces the number of options for tourist activities, etc. The disadvantages of globalization include the fact that the processes taking place on a global scale increase competition in the world tourist market. The main task of the countries in these conditions is to increase immunity in relation to external dangerous influences, risks, and reduce dependence on other states. It is worth noting such a threat as a decrease in the competitiveness of the national tourism economy, which is at a very low level in the vast majority of countries.


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How to Cite
Chuieva, I. (2023). QUALITY MANAGEMENT OF HOSPITALITY SERVICES AS A COMPONENT OF INTERNATIONAL TOURISM BUSINESS. Economy and Society, (48). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2023-48-86