The article discusses the areas of quality management of services of hospitality industry enterprises during crises of a different nature. It is determined that the service quality management system is associated with the need to adopt a certain type of production activity to a complex of external and internal factors that affect the financial and economic indicators of the enterprise. The features of the hospitality industry's management system of enterprises aimed at ensuring sustainable growth, taking into account consumer expectations, are described. It is proved that in addition to external factors, the crisis of the hotel and restaurant business is often provoked by a weak management system, inadequate relationships with consumers, and income management. The unfavorable economic situation forces the heads of hotel and restaurant enterprises to reconsider their development strategy to optimize their activities by reducing costs and using marketing tools. Those enterprises that manage to reduce costs without losing the quality of the services provided are the most in-demand and competitive in a crisis. It is determined that the quality of service in the institutions of the hospitality industry is the most difficult to manage and control. The difficulty often lies in the fact that employees of hospitality industry enterprises perceive the established quality standards in their way. The reason for this problem is the use of outdated management methods because employees behave in such a way as to get the approval of management. This staff behavior leads to the inefficiency of the work of the entire enterprise. The staff themselves have a significant impact on the quality of the service. It is directly related to the emergence of a crisis within the enterprise, and "insufficient level of professional qualification of employees entails irresponsibility to the owners for the consequences of management decisions and financial results of the activity. Today's economic realities show that the effectiveness of the functioning of hospitality industry enterprises in a crisis lies in a set of business processes, taking into account internal and external factors influencing the problem, as well as a constant assessment of the effectiveness of the existing strategy at the level of organizational structure, marketing, the management system of the enterprise as a whole.
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