The development of modern tourism largely depends on the development and implementation of innovative technologies aimed at improving customer service and expanding service tourism opportunities. It is necessary to be modern, to keep up with progress to ensure the efficiency and profitability of this service sector. At present, in the scientific literature, the development of innovations in the tourism sector in general and in the tourism business in particular is given as much attention as the innovative development of the entire economy. The specificity of the industry is that any innovation in tourism is, first of all, the introduction to the market of products that at one time or another have high consumer properties that can increase the level of satisfaction of existing consumer demand. The article contains information on the directions of development of innovative activity in the field of tourist services and their competent application at the enterprises of this branch. Also informs about the main innovative technologies, their content, application and efficiency. Thus, when it comes to innovation in tourism, there is initially in mind the creation and promotion of new tourism projects, the integration of the latest types of management, organizational and marketing solutions, the use of modern information technology. The most important innovations in tourism related to digital technologies. In interstate and national systems of management of tourist activity innovative processes began to take place; it is time to develop and apply new ones technologies (e-commerce, creation of virtual travel companies); are improving forms of marketing and creation of a tourist product. In particular, there have been innovations in the field of transport services, and also services for booking and purchase of tickets and visas. E-business opens up great opportunities for development for any enterprise. This is a new form of market relations, based on the application of the latest telecommunications technology and the Internet. This trading system is suitable and to the buyer, and to sellers. But the main thing is that tourism has an important advantage over others e-commerce sectors its consumer receives the purchased product directly in the place of its production, in the tourist center.
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