Keywords: sales management, market, service marketing, products, sale, sales channel, marketing complex


The article examines the sphere of services, which occupies a leading place in the modern economy, serving as a key indicator of the level of economic development of any country. Its importance is so great that the modern economy is often called the "service economy". This industry shows stable growth in sales and the number of employees, which is the basis of its dynamic development. An equally important aspect in the development of the service sector is the use of marketing approaches. Marketing is an integral element of the successful operation of companies in this sector. Effective use of marketing tools contributes to success in the market, ensuring adaptation to changes in demand, increasing competitiveness and integration of modern digital technologies. A high concentration of computerized systems and the ability to quickly respond to market challenges are key factors for companies to achieve success in today's dynamic economy. The methodological aspects of the formation of the service marketing complex are considered. The current stage of economic development is characterized by the growing role of the service sector, which is an important indicator of socio-economic progress. In the world economy, the service sector occupies a leading place, providing a significant share of GDP and employment of the population. At the same time, the importance of the marketing approach as the main tool for ensuring the competitiveness of enterprises is growing. This is especially relevant for industrial enterprises that expand the range of services in response to market challenges, such as globalization, digitalization and changing consumer demands. Improving the marketing of services at industrial enterprises is an important direction of their development, as it allows not only to increase the level of customer satisfaction, but also to ensure stable growth of profitability and competitive advantages. A feature of services marketing is the emphasis on the human factor, quality service, long-term relationships with consumers and individualization of approaches. In the service sector, improving the quality of service, adapting to changes in the external environment, implementing innovative approaches to providing services, as well as creating long-term relationships with consumers are of great importance. Effective services marketing ensures the achievement of competitive advantages by improving quality, productivity and customer satisfaction. Special attention should be paid to the motivation and training of personnel, who play a key role in ensuring quality service.


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