The article defines the relevance, role and place of the study of household financial security in the financial security of the state. It is noted that the objective need to study foreign experience in ensuring the financial security of households arose with the acquisition ofUkraine's status as a candidate for membership in the European Union with a view to its implementation in domestic practice.In this article, the authors analyze the peculiarities of ensuring financial security of households under martial law. The author's view on the interpretation of the of the concept of “financial security of households” and its main typological characteristics. The article analyzes the current state of households in Ukraine and the factors that determine their financial security. In particular, it is established that during 2022-2024, Ukrainian households functioned in conditions of inflationary fluctuations, exchange rate changes, high unemployment, rising costs and declining real incomes, and reduced opportunities for saving and further investment. It is substantiated that the level of financial security of households is determined mainly by the level of their income and the ability to generate sufficient financial resources. It is noted that during the period of martial law and active hostilities in Ukraine, a new category of households with the status of internally displaced persons was formed. The peculiarities of the formation of household financial resources in the countries of the European Union, in particular in such countries as Poland, Germany, France, Denmark, and the Netherlands, are considered. The analysis of the peculiarities of the safe functioning of households in the financial aspect is carried out on the basis of such indicators as: income generation, expenditure, taxation, social benefits. Based on the study of foreign experience in ensuring the financial security of households, the possibility of its further implementation in domestic practice is substantiated. The problems of ensuring the financial security of households identified in the article allowed to determine the priority directions of its strengthening in the current conditions.
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