Leadership is one of the most frequently discussed topics when it comes to managing an enterprise or a team. Today, it is no longer sufficient to simply be a manager who gives instructions, issues orders, or sets performance targets. People need a leader who can serve as a role model, inspire creativity, stand up for their interests when necessary, and assist them in achieving their assigned goals. Such a leader, depending on the situation, applies different influence styles or approaches to their team or individual members. Unfortunately, few managers consider these aspects during the management process, or even know about the various leadership styles, which underscores the need for further research. The article examines the significance of leadership in the management activities of modern enterprises and explores the concept's essence as interpreted by domestic and international scholars. It highlights the differences between management and leadership, as well as various types of leadership, including charismatic, situational, and transformational. Leadership styles are analyzed in accordance with situational theories by F. Fiedler, V. Vroom and F. Yetton, Mitchell and R. House, P. Hersey, and K. Blanchard. The article presents the results of research on the use of situational leadership at a construction enterprise in the Lviv region. A survey revealed that key problems in the subject of study include a low level of awareness of the essence of situational leadership and its models. It was found that the enterprise predominantly employs authoritarian or democratic leadership styles. The article suggests using the situational leadership model "Life Cycle" by Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard, which involves selecting a style based on the identified maturity level of subordinates. Within this model, styles such as mentoring, involving, delegating, and directing are discussed. For the first time, the stages of selecting a leadership style according to the "Life Cycle" model by P. Hersey and K. Blanchard are presented, taking into account the maturity level of employees. It is emphasized that applying situational leadership while considering subordinates' maturity levels will enable management to more effectively guide employees, as it addresses both their motivation and competence in task execution.
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