The article is devoted to the study of modern features of the development of warehouse systems management in global supply chains, including their problems and prospects in the context of digitalization. Cooperation between suppliers, producers, and consumers is crucial in the process of increasing the level of transparency, clarity, openness, and efficiency of all stages in global supply chains, from the moment of ordering and production to the very end of the product's life. That is why the topic is relevant today. In recent years, information technology systems have been undergoing revolutionary progress, constantly improving and evolving. The research methods used in this paper are the following: comparative analysis, synthesis, and the morphological method. A literature review on the problem of warehouse system management is carried out. It is substantiated why warehouse system management is an integral element of logistics processes in global supply chains. Potential key areas for improving the warehouse system in supply chains are highlighted as an extremely important step towards ensuring a high level of business process efficiency, reducing costs, improving customer service. Among the key ones are automation of warehouse processes; use of automatic readers, RFID; optimization of inventory management; improvement of internal logistics, space planning systems; integration of Internet of Things technologies through the use of sensors, monitoring; online tracking of goods; use of modern information systems. The article characterizes the technologies for collecting and accumulating data in warehouse systems as an element of supply chains. A comparative characterization of barcoding and RFID systems in supply chains is carried out. The results show that the choice between barcoding and RFID technologies should depend on specific needs, conditions of use, enterprise budget. Barcoding is simple, cost-effective for many businesses, and can identify goods over a relatively short distance. RFID technologies offer much more advantages for reading information without contact, over long distances, providing a high level of automation, accuracy.
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