The tourism industry is a direction of the domestic economy, which is developing quite rapidly. The quality of service in this industry is closely related to the system of quality and safety of tourist services. After all, quality service is the key to commercial success, compliance with standards is an integral part of the stability and competitiveness of enterprises in the domestic market of tourist services. It is known that the categories of "safety" and "quality" are closely related. Without security, the quality of service cannot be properly ensured. At the same time, adherence to high quality standards and quality control of service delivery processes are a reliable guarantee of their safety. Therefore, the creation of reliable guarantees of personal security for citizens (consumers), as well as the provision of high quality and safe tourist services are necessary conditions for a dignified life and free development of man and citizen in the social and legal state. Today, all producers around the world are concerned about improving the quality of production, including the production of services. The positive result of improving the quality of service products is important for all participants and parties. In the case of quality service, the state records an increase in the national economic effect per unit of expenditure, receives expanded export opportunities and foreign exchange earnings, in addition, the needs of the population for services are more fully met. The consumer is also interested in quality: by improving the quality of services, more favorable service conditions are created, the range of service products is expanded and updated, demand is met by fewer of them, and the result of the service has a longer effect for the consumer. The benefit of manufacturers of service products is that better use of resources, reduced losses from marriage and complaints, increased revenues from the sale of higher quality products, increased economic incentives due to increased profits. The main thing is that the quality of the service increases its competitiveness in the market. A complex system of measures has been taken in the last two decades within the European Community to manage quality.
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