The article is devoted to the study of the need to stimulate the innovative development of agricultural enterprises due to the introduction of a financial mechanism of stimulation. Attention is focused on the fact that the introduction of innovative technologies into the production process of agricultural enterprises is quite relevant and will contribute to increasing the level of their financial security in the long term. The introduction of innovative processes in agricultural production is due to the need to ensure the economic interests of commodity producers and comply with the environmental conditions of conducting activities. The development of innovations in the agricultural sector involves the use of high-yielding varieties and hybrids of plants in the production process, the breeding of highly productive breeds of animals, the re-equipment of the material and technical base, in particular the use of the latest machines and technologies, the introduction of resource-saving technologies. It is noted that increasing the level of competitiveness of the agricultural sector is impossible without the development of domestic agricultural science and the implementation of global technological trends in energy saving, the use of alternative energy sources, and information technologies. Financing of innovative activities determines the possibility and speed of implementation of innovative projects and programs. The ability of enterprises to attract additional resources for the introduction of innovations into the production process directly affects the output of innovations to the relevant market. However, one must understand that their own financial resources are limited and enterprises are forced to look for new sources of financing innovative processes. Investments and the possibility of attracting them, as well as their cost, play an important role. The purpose of the study is to analyze the current state of financing innovative activities and justify the need to implement a financial mechanism for their stimulation in the agrarian sector of the Ukrainian economy.
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