Effective financial management is crucial for the success of any organisation. The article is devoted to a comprehensive analysis of modern financial management strategies as a network of interdependent processes that require coordinated actions of investors, creditors and managers. Particular attention is paid to the functions of financial management in organisations and its role in achieving economic optimisation. Based on numerous studies, the article identifies four components of effective financial management: planning, budgeting, forecasting and monitoring. The authors pay special attention to the importance of open communication and coordinated actions between all parties involved in making effective financial decisions. Through careful monitoring of financial indicators, financial management can ensure that an organisation makes the most efficient use of available resources. The author's approach to understanding and importance of strong leadership in financial management is formulated. Effective financial management requires skilled managers who can navigate the complex economic relationships of an organisation. By analysing the critical aspects of financial management, this article provides valuable insights into how organisations can optimise their financial management processes and further improve them. Taking into account the current state of the economy and globalisation changes in the world, the article identifies the main components of financial management that characterise the effectiveness of innovations. The financial management system is crucial in directing businesses' decision- making procedures. There are some minimum standards that the data in this system must fulfill. First and foremost, it needs to be sufficiently significant to impact the outcomes of the organization's financial decisions, including those related to setting financial strategy, developing targeted policies on different aspects of financing activities, and creating current and operational financial plans. The financial management information system is a functional system that facilitates the continuous and deliberate selection process of relevant indicators required for analyzing, planning, and preparing effective operational management decisions on all financial aspects. It is designed to provide necessary information not only to managerial staff and owners of the enterprise but also to meet the interests of a broad range of external users.
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