Keywords: scale, scaling, business processes, foreign economic activity, communications, reputation, Internet network, stakeholder


The article is devoted to the problems of researching the communication support of business scaling, its reputational aspect in the context of foreign economic activity. In the context of globalization, the level of reputation of the enterprise that will implement it is important for scaling and, above all, its success. That is why the issue of communication and reputation support for business scaling: theoretical and applied aspect in the context of foreign economic activity is relevant. The article uses the following research methods: synthesis, analysis, morphological method. A review of literature on the subject was carried out. Given the rapid breakthrough of technology and the growing competition, today it is not enough to do a good job and have an impeccable reputation for confident development. Companies need to be recognized, to stay on the agenda, in the information field. One of the main requirements of the modern business world is to do a good job and be able to talk about it (communicate). It is determined that business scaling is a complex process of expansion, growth, development of activities to increase sales, market presence, company influence, etc. The key elements of this process are highlighted. In the article, the authors organize the key values of communication support for business scaling in the context of foreign economic activity. The benefits of effective communication support of the business scaling process in the context of foreign economic activity of an enterprise are also systematized. The practical achievement of this article is that enterprises which successfully scale their activities in the context of foreign economic activity will attract more customers, increase their own revenues, optimize costs, expand their geographical presence, develop new business areas, etc. After all, it is simply impossible to achieve a stable scaling process without effective communication. Communication is at the heart of developing relationships with the company's stakeholders, adapting to changes, ensuring transparency, ethical conduct, establishing and maintaining reputation, and measuring process efficiency.


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