Explored a crucial issue of supply chain efficiency in the hospitality industry with a focus on optimizing merchandising processes and their impact on management strategies. In the context of global and regional changes in the business environment, where the importance of supply chain sustainability and product quality is escalating, understanding and enhancing the supply chain becomes key to the competitiveness of the hospitality sector. It is identified that refining the supply chain plays a pivotal role in ensuring competitiveness and stability for businesses in this sector. The research establishes that optimizing merchandising processes significantly influences the quality of raw materials and finished products, directly impacting consumer satisfaction. Key aspects of this interaction, including supplier selection, quality control, and logistics process optimization, are highlighted. It is determined that methods and strategies such as technology integration, process standardization, collaboration with suppliers, staff training, and inventory management strategies can be utilized to optimize merchandising processes in the hospitality business. The study emphasizes that the implementation of modern technologies in inventory management systems, quality monitoring, and data processing improves the accuracy and efficiency of merchandising processes. Optimizing merchandising processes is found to have a direct and substantial impact on the efficiency of managing hospitality businesses. Therefore, effective optimization of merchandising processes is a prerequisite for ensuring a high standard of service and stability in the hospitality business, contributing to its competitiveness and market success. The research results reveal that optimizing merchandising processes can influence the formulation and implementation of management strategies, enhancing business efficiency and facilitating adaptation to market changes. Prospects for the future development of the supply chain in the hospitality industry are discussed, considering the impact of technological innovations, sustainability requirements, and changes in consumer preferences.
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