This article explores the role and effectiveness of corporate education within the context of integration processes in hotel networks. Key aspects of implementing corporate training programs and their impact on staff development and adaptation to changes in the hotel industry are highlighted. The experience of global hotel chains such as Marriott, Accor, and Hilton is examined, providing valuable insights into their approaches to corporate education. Marriott has its own university resource, known as Marriott University, where employees can acquire new knowledge and skills in various areas of the hotel business. Accor also has its training center known as Accor Academy, which provides training and development of staff in various areas. Accor often uses an on-the-job training system so that new staff can gain hands-on experience and familiarize themselves with the network's service standards. Hilton University is a corporate university that offers a variety of training programs and resources for Hilton Worldwide hotel employees. Includes courses in guest service, leadership development and others. Among the Ukrainian hotel chains, training centers of Premier International, Ribas Hotels Group, Business Regency Group, and Optima Hotels & Resorts are scrutinized for their educational practices. The first training system for hotel chain employees in Ukraine was created by Premier International. The Higher School of Hotel Business is a comprehensive intensive training course for hoteliers, developed by experts of the hotel operator of the Premier hotel chain. The article offers recommendations for further enhancing corporate education practices in the hotel industry, emphasizing the optimization of program content and the integration of innovative technologies. By synthesizing global and local experiences, this research contributes to the ongoing discourse on improving corporate education in hotel networks, ensuring their competitiveness and adaptability in the dynamic hospitality landscape.
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Official site of Premier Hotels and Resorts. Available at:
Official site of Higher school of hotel business from Premier International hotel chain. Available at:
The program of the Higher School of Hotel Business from the Premier International hotel chain. Available at:
BRG hotels ensures business growth and a high level of service thanks to its internal university of hospitality. Available at:
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