Keywords: budget, income, expenses, territorial community, strategic management, finance


The article analyzes the peculiarities of strategic management of finances of territorial communities. The sequence of actions that forms the methodology of strategic management of finances of territorial communities is listed. It is noted that the basis of managing the finances of territorial communities is the budget formation process. The components of the budget formation process are listed. The main task of strategic financial management in territorial communities is balancing the revenue and expenditure parts of the budget. The composition and structure of the budget of the territorial community was studied. The budget revenues of the territorial community traditionally include: tax revenues, non-tax revenues, and revenues from capital operations. The composition of each of these groups of budget revenues was analyzed. It is indicated that the task of strategic management of the community's finances is also to find additional sources of filling the budget of the territorial community. These sources are listed and analyzed. The composition of the budget of the territorial community was considered. The main groups of expenses of the budget are: public administration; law enforcement activity; education; health care; social protection and social security; utilities; culture and art; mass-media; physical education and sports; construction; agriculture and forestry, fishing and hunting; transport, road management, communications, telecommunications and informatics, etc. Some recommendations for their optimization are given. The construction of the OTG's financial management strategy covers a wide range of management decisions regarding problems that are future-oriented and related to the general purpose of the activity and are influenced by uncontrollable external factors. It was emphasized that the main directions of the financial strategy of the territorial community are the analysis and assessment of its financial and economic condition; development of accounting and tax policy; development of credit and insurance policy; management of income and expenses; choosing an investment policy and evaluating community achievements.


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How to Cite
Tokarenko, O., & Matviienko, H. (2023). STRATEGIC FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT OF TERRITORIAL COMMUNITIES. Economy and Society, (47).

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