Keywords: competitive strategy, anti-crisis management, model, external environment, matrix model, method of analyzing hierarchies


The article states that the lack of due attention to the development of competitive strategies of enterprises in the anti-crisis management system has become an obstacle to the expanded reproduction of production and technical potential and sustainable economic growth of domestic commercial structures and the national economy as a whole. There is a need to improve approaches to the formation of competitive strategies in the anti-crisis management system, which are aimed at creating competitive advantages, which will allow business entities to effectively use resources and make strategic decisions in the market environment of the enterprise. The concept of "competitive strategy" is substantiated. It is noted that the competitive strategy in the anti-crisis management system is a model of the enterprise's behavior in the relevant market, which allows it to ensure the necessary market share and competitiveness, to increase the economic potential of resisting crisis processes in the conditions of the changing external environment of the enterprise's functioning. A model of the formation of a competitive strategy in the anti-crisis management system has been developed, which reflects the target setting of a competitive strategy, a competitive position on the market, the development of a matrix model of the formation and selection of a general competitive strategy, the detailing and selection of a local competitive strategy by the method of analyzing hierarchies, the development of measures to implement the company's competitive strategy in crisis management system. A system of factors determining the competitive strategy of the enterprise in conditions of negative influence of the external environment has been formed. Among the areas of further research, it is expedient to define the development of a mechanism for the formation of strategic alternatives and a methodological toolkit for evaluating the effectiveness of the implementation of competitive strategies in the anti-crisis management system.


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