Keywords: marketing, social marketing, copywriting, copywriting of social advertising, social advertising, advertising audience


The aim of the study is to formulate approaches to copywriting of social advertising depending on the segment of the target audience and the purpose of the advertising message. The relevance of the topic is related to the growing importance of social marketing and the importance of social advertising as a tool for non-profit component of social marketing. Methods of induction and deduction, systematization, generalization were used for research. The article considers copywriting of social advertising as a tool of non-commercial component of social marketing. Social marketing is seen as a combination of non-commercial marketing (the formation of the right needs, rational consumption, the right worldview in general) and commercial marketing (the formation of an attractive offer based on the right needs). Approaches to copywriting of social advertising depending on the segment of the target audience and the purpose of the advertising message are formulated. It is proposed to divide the target audience of social advertising into six segments: uninformed (the main goal is to inform about the problem), indifferent and passive (the goal of advertising message is to convince the importance of the problem), not indifferent, but not active (the goal is to inform about ways to solve problems, including simple and acceptable, as well as the sources of the problem), active (only information is needed on news in the field of a particular problem), opponents (the most difficult segment; the goal is to convince of the importance of solving the problem, but appealing to the values of the opponent segment). For each segment it is proposed to use the existing formulas of copywriting, adapting them to the message of not commercial but social advertising. The novelty of the study is formulation of the approach to creating advertising messages for opponents of a socially important problem. In practice, this segment is often overlooked, but similar formulas for copywriting can be used to influence it, but with an appeal to other values, namely the values of this segment. The practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of further use of the proposed approaches to create social advertising and the formation of the right needs of consumers.


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How to Cite
Tkachuk, S., Stakhurska, S., & Stakhurskyi, V. (2022). COPYRIGHTING OF SOCIAL ADVERTISING AS A TOOL OF SOCIAL MARKETING: GOALS AND APPROACHES . Economy and Society, (35).

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