Keywords: quality of service, hospitality industry, hotel business, restaurant business, service, the consumer


The article considers theoretical aspects of the quality of service at the hotel and restaurant business enterprises in Ukraine and directions for its improvement. In recent years, the hospitality industry has undergone significant changes. The continuous development of the tourism business has led to increased competition in this area and increased competition. In turn, this has led to an increase in the requirements for the quality of hospitality. It is proved that at the present stage of development of world tourism activity. The problem of quality in hotel and restaurant services is significant because the popularity and reputation of accommodation and food products depend on their level of development. The provision of a range of quality services for the population, and the ultimate goal is to make a profit and increase the enterprise's competitiveness. Also, the quality of service largely depends on whether the guest visits the selected institution again or not. If the first visit can result from successful advertising (rich interior, delicious menu, etc.), then customer loyalty and subsequent visits are impossible without satisfaction with the choice made. And satisfaction directly depends on how hospitable and polite the staff was, whether the room was comfortable, complaints about cleaning and operation of equipment, serving meals, service, etc. In other words, how much reality corresponded to the guest's expectations. The conceptual approach to structuring the quality of service is considered, the multicomponent filling of this category is determined, and its components' characteristics are given. In particular, a group of factors that impact the quality of consumer service is considered. Finally, indicators of the quality of services of hospitality industry enterprises that must comply with the approved standards are determined. It is noted that the quality of service at the enterprises of the hospitality industry is a complex of consumer qualities provided by hotel or restaurant enterprises that reflect the satisfaction of personal needs of consumers both in the process of service and in the production of this service. It is substantiated that a high level of quality of consumer service is not the only competitive advantage of the enterprise but also dramatically affects the formation of a loyal customer relationship, shifting the emphasis on the issue of cost and satisfaction with service. Improving the quality of services should be a comprehensive measure and cover all areas of activity of hospitality industry enterprises. To retain its client, hospitality industry enterprises need to motivate their employees, improve the quality of services provided, and increase customer satisfaction.


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