The article is devoted to the study of economic efficiency, and first of all business activity, of enterprises of the Western region of Ukraine on the example of "Electron Trading House" LLC. Originally, the article examines the problems of enterprises functioning during the COVID-19 pandemic and the first years of a full-scale war with russia. It is obvious that business activity reflects the connection between the internal potential of the enterprise and its external capabilities in the surrounding business environment, which is why indicators of business activity are the first to signal potential problems in operational activity. The article reveals the main problems of enterprises’ business activity during the state of war according to the data of the selected company, which makes it possible to assess the hardships of enterprises’ activities that conduct business in the territory free from military actions, but, nevertheless, are under the influence of destructive external factors caused by the war. At the beginning, on the basis of financial data, the main indicators of the enterprise's business activity are evaluated, and logical systemic interrelationships of internal indicators and the most harmful external factors are built. Additionally, for a more complete understanding of the situation, modeling is carried out, based on the selection of the three most important indicators of business activity for "Electron Trading House" LLC: the turnover ratio of receivables, the turnover ratio of payables and the turnover ratio of assets. Based on these indicators, a correlation matrix is constructed and the equations of the main components of the business activity management effectiveness are calculated for the three studied years from 2020 to 2022. The modeling made it possible to single out the most important factors influencing the business activity of the enterprise and to connect them with the situation of the external environment. As a conclusion, further prospects for enterprises’ functioning in the military economy are drawn. Since understanding the internal and external processes that enable businesses to operate despite military action is rather a matter of survival.
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