Keywords: digitalization, information, development, reputation, reputation management, goodwill, European integration


The article is devoted to the essence of the development of reputation management in Ukraine in digitalization. It is determined that reputation, and digitalization is entirely new concepts for the economy of our country. The modern world is becoming extremely dynamic, constantly being in a state of so-called turbulence. The key drivers of the dynamics in reputation management today are digitalization processes, active development of communication channels, the use of real-time communication, the emergence of new competitors, the transformation of existing business models, and more. The procedures for the formation and development of effective management systems focused on market trends deserve special attention. The reputation management system is designed to leave the company "in trend", maximize its profits, minimize costs, and more. Digitalization contributes to the formation of an effective system of reputation management. Digitalization and digital culture result from active, revolutionary development of modern technologies (innovations) in economics and management. Reputation management through digital technologies (including the Internet) is a practice of forming the public perception of the organization/enterprise, influencing how people will perceive the organization and its business on the Internet. It has been studied that domestic leaders need to consider that reputation management systems differ significantly in the use of traditional methods and digital technologies. There is a direct relationship between the positive trend in the level of corporate reputation and high sales, profitability, and more. For Ukraine, the development of digitalization processes has real prospects for modernizing the economy, improving the production and technological structure, ensuring active participation in the innovative economy, overcoming the current crisis, etc. The introduction of modern information and communication technologies will increase the reputation of enterprises, their competitiveness, increasing flexibility in conditions of economic instability, competition with foreign enterprises due to globalization (including European integration).


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