Keywords: single tax, simplified taxation system, small businesses Tax Code


The article is devoted to the review of vectors of small and medium business development in Ukraine in the context of harmonization of legal requirements regarding tax regimes. The main components of the revenue part of the State budget in terms of individual taxes are identified. To solve the tasks in the work it is proposed to apply a systematic approach, generalization and comparison. The purpose of the article is to assess the current state of development of small and medium-sized businesses, research and substantiation of the peculiarities of taxation of small and medium enterprises in the context of integration change. It is established that the simplified taxation system is an important lever for managing the distribution of financial resources between individuals and the state. In the historical aspect, the formation of a simplified taxation system in Ukraine is analyzed. Dynamic changes of taxation in the process of formation of fiscal policy in Ukraine, transition from differentiated to universal approaches in determining rates are revealed. Peculiarities of tax regimes for small and medium business in Ukraine are considered. Differentiation of large, medium, small and micro enterprises has been carried out in order to determine single tax payers. The analysis of fiscal efficiency of the system of taxation of small and medium business in Ukraine is carried out and on this basis its role in formation of financial resources of the state is found out. The receipts of the single tax are analyzed and its share in the budget of Ukraine in dynamics is determined. It is determined that the system of simplified taxation promotes the development of small business by simplifying tax accounting. Based on the analysis, ways to improve the calculation and payment of a single tax through the introduction of a progressive scale of rates of the analyzed tax payment, Recommendations for improving the mechanisms of taxation of small and medium businesses in Ukraine, which would meet the generally accepted principles of European countries, simplify tax administration and improve business and private initiative development in Ukraine.


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How to Cite
Titenko, Z., & KotsіurubaO. (2020). FEATURES OF THE PROCESS OF TAXATION OF SMALL AND MEDIUM BUSINESS. Economy and Society, (22). https://doi.org/10.32782/2524-0072/2020-22-62