The article examines digitalization as a pivotal trend and a determining factor in the competitiveness of modern economic systems. The study's relevance stems from the growing importance of digital technologies in transforming economic processes and enabling businesses and economies to adapt to rapidly changing global conditions. The research aims to explore digitalization's role in enhancing economic systems' efficiency, resilience, and competitiveness across various levels, from enterprises to global economies. The study employs analytical and comparative methods to investigate the integration of digital tools into economic activities, focusing on their potential to optimize resources, innovate processes, and create new growth opportunities. These methods allowed for an in-depth examination of how digitalization influences structural and functional transformations in economic systems. The study sheds light on critical factors driving economic modernization by analyzing practical applications and potential challenges. The results demonstrate that digitalization significantly impacts the adaptability and efficiency of economic systems by streamlining processes, enabling data-driven decision-making, and fostering innovation. It enhances market access and resource utilization, providing competitive advantages for individual enterprises and national economies. However, the findings highlight key challenges, including the digital divide, cybersecurity risks, and technological dependence, which require strategic approaches for mitigation. The practical value of the study lies in its ability to offer insights for policymakers, businesses, and researchers aiming to harness the benefits of digitalization while addressing its associated risks. The findings can be applied to develop strategies for sustainable economic growth, design inclusive digital policies, and promote innovation. The article emphasizes the necessity of prioritizing investments in digital infrastructure and skills development to maximize the positive outcomes of digital transformation. This research provides a foundation for understanding the multifaceted impacts of digitalization. It supports formulating strategies to enhance economic systems' competitiveness and sustainability in an increasingly digital world.
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