The article considers the impact of advertising and PR-technologies on the hotel and restaurant industry. The effectiveness of using the social network Instagram to promote the hotel and restaurant business is analyzed. The main advantages and disadvantages of an online advertising campaign are considered. Due to the development of the hospitality industry, advertising and PR-technologies are the main means of promoting the restaurant business. After all, the modern hotel and restaurant industry is very dynamic, every day various establishments are opened, which, taking into account the growing competition, need to promote their own establishments and PR-promotions. Also, it is important that with the help of the Internet and social networks you can develop different types of online advertising. A very important aspect in the development and promotion of a restaurant or hotel is the creation of content for the institution or as it is called Social Media Marketing (SMM). In addition, competition in the market of hotel and restaurant services forces management to resort to various PR-technologies. As a rule, these are serious PR-actions and creation of the concept of the institution that meets the requirements of the modern market. Thus, in the article, we considered the effectiveness of advertising in the hotel and restaurant industry. However, the article raises the question of how to promote the restaurant in the service market. After all, how attractive and popular a restaurant is depends on its attendance and the number of regular customers. Therefore, the image and concept of the institution depends on advertising and PR-technologies. The main tasks of advertising activity and sequence of actions at the organization of advertising campaign are investigated. The article examines the main trends in the hotel and restaurant industry, which is one of the highly profitable industries of the tertiary sector of the economy, which ultimately requires successful promotion in the modern market. That is why advertising and PR-technologies in the hotel and restaurant business are a multifaceted and promising area. Its task is to promote the institution and build the trust of the guest in the long run.
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