Keywords: auditing, construction industry, effectiveness, financial accounting, taxation, cost accounting, financial management, audit checks


The construction industry is complex and specific in the context of financial management due to the large number of transactions, high level of risk, and specific legislative requirements. This study focuses on analysis of industry specifics that affect the efficiency of accounting and auditing at operating construction companies. In particular, the key aspects are studied organization of financial accounting in the construction sector, taking into account the specifics of taxation, cost accounting and financial management in a changing market environment, accounting methods include needs and requirements of construction companies. The practice of accounting at different stages of construction projects is considered, including the acquisition of materials, construction works and the recognition of expenses in the financial statements. The specifics of auditing in the construction industry are also studied, in particular, the requirements for conducting audits and auditors' responsibility to stakeholders. Audit in this context is defined as a systematic and objective analysis of an enterprise's financial statements to confirm their reliability and compliance with established standards and requirements. As a result of the study identifies key problems and obstacles in accounting and auditing at construction companies. For example, problems often arise in the process of accounting for costs and determining the cost of construction projects. The positive aspects and shortcomings of existing practices are highlighted, and recommendations for improving the accounting and auditing system are provided in order to increase the efficiency of financial resource management and ensure the financial stability of enterprises in the construction industry. A generalized scheme for accounting for transactions with real estate and building materials is presented. Prospects for further research include a study of the impact of new technologies and the regulatory environment on accounting and auditing in the construction industry, as well as an assessment of the effectiveness of the implementation of the recommendations proposed in this study.


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