Keywords: corporate culture, cultural concept, mechanism of the culture of openness, motivation, open dialogue, trust, values, forms of manifestation of the culture of gratitude


The article substantiates the expediency of using the culture of openness and the culture of gratitude as fine-tuned management tools. It is noted that the absence of a deep theoretical study and practical use of these cultural categories in modern conditions emphasise the relevance of the study. Based on the methods of generalisation and historical and logical, the conceptual and methodological basis for studying the culture of openness and the culture of gratitude is formed. Using the structural method and the method of analysis, the article proposes a structure of the culture of openness, which identifies functional and structural components. The result of the study is a description of the mechanism of action of the culture of openness, which allocates the normative-institutional and personal levels and emphasises the special role of feedback. It is noted that the culture of gratitude reflects the emotional and sensual aspect in corporate and personal relationships and is a form of non-material motivation of personnel. The proposed structure of the culture of gratitude, the forms of its expression and the role of incentive programmes are of applied value. The forms of expression of the culture of gratitude are characterised, among which the verbal form is highlighted, which is the most common. It is emphasised that the culture of gratitude in the system of corporate culture of an organisation covers all its levels: surface, sub-surface (values), deep and is closely related to communication and professional culture. It is noted that the formation of a corporate culture of openness and a culture of gratitude is a long and systematic process that involves taking into account the specifics of each organisation, its life cycle of presence in the market, industry affiliation and other factors. The article substantiates the effectiveness of using the culture of openness and culture of gratitude in the practice of personnel management at both the personal and corporate levels. The paper emphasises the expediency of continuing scientific research in the context of a clear definition of these categories and their essential and substantive content, and of forming a model of a culture of openness and a culture of gratitude, taking into account the influence of many factors and current trends.


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