The article is devoted to the development of theoretical and methodological issues of assessing flexibility in fashion industry enterprises as a component of their quality. Modern business places special emphasis on the importance of purpose, vision and flexible strategies for enterprises if they are to create value for consumers and ensure their own sustainable development. Modern enterprises must be flexible in the face of emerging threats. The flexibility of a fashion industry enterprise is ensured by the flexibility of its business processes. Business process flexibility indicators characterize the quality of their implementation. The following types of business process flexibility are among the most important in fashion industry enterprises: marketing, technological, financial, information and digital, and environmental flexibility. To effectively manage the enterprise and the quality of its business processes, it is necessary to assess the achieved level of business process flexibility. At fashion industry enterprises, it is advisable to use the method of assessing the flexibility of business processes based on single, group and integral indicators. In the process of evaluation, in order to bring indicators with different units of measurement to a single scale, all dimensional indicators of business process flexibility are converted into dimensionless indicators (desirability functions) based on E. Harrington's desirability scale. The first step is to determine the strategic goals of the enterprise. At the second stage, the company's business processes are identified and the key ones are selected. At the third stage, the indicators characterizing the level of flexibility of the enterprise's business processes are determined. At the fourth stage of the observation, a list of indicators is determined that are indicators of the flexibility of the enterprise's business processes. At the fifth stage, the indicators are normalized. At the sixth stage, group indicators of the flexibility of a particular business process are determined. At the seventh stage, the integral indicator is calculated. At the eighth stage, the results of the assessment of the flexibility of the enterprise's business processes are analyzed.
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