This article is devoted to the problem of ensuring cyber security in the system of forming a business model in the conditions of the digital economy, which has become especially relevant in recent years of military operations on the territory of our country. It is the increase in the number of cyberattacks that determines the formation of innovative systems for the protection of domestic business. The authors of the article pay considerable attention to the study of the features of the digital economy, which is characterized by the active use of digital technologies for the creation, distribution and use of goods and services, rapidly changing the landscape of modern business. The study notes that innovative business models based on digital technologies stimulate economic growth and ensure the competitiveness of enterprises. However, along with these opportunities, the risks associated with cyber security are also growing. In the conditions of the modern economy, the issue of protection of digital assets acquires strategic importance. Every year, the number of cyber attacks increases. Companies are increasingly being targeted by hackers who use a variety of methods, from phishing to sophisticated zero-day attacks. An important problem for domestic business is the fact that the technologies used by cybercriminals are constantly improving, which makes it difficult to detect and neutralize them. Cyberattacks can cause significant financial losses, both direct (ransom payments, data recovery) and indirect (loss of customer trust, reputational damage). Unfortunately, attacks can lead to a temporary stoppage of business processes, which also affects the company's revenue and productivity. Many countries are introducing laws requiring companies to maintain a certain level of cybersecurity. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in fines and other sanctions. The application of cloud technologies, the Internet of Things (IoT) and big data (Big Data) require special attention, which creates new attack vectors that require appropriate measures of modern protection. The relevance of cyber security research in the system of business model formation in the conditions of the digital economy is due to the need to protect digital assets, ensure business continuity and fulfill regulatory requirements. Cybersecurity is becoming not only a technical issue, but also a strategic factor for business success in the digital age. Therefore, the study and implementation of effective cyber security measures is critically important for modern enterprises that seek to ensure their stability and competitiveness in the market.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Людмила Шостак, Анатолій Федонюк, Олена Помазун
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