Keywords: analysis, market, statistical methods, food industry market, food products


This article is devoted to the study of the state and development trends of the domestic food industry market, which functions during the war period. The authors outline the specifics of the functioning of the Ukrainian food industry market in modern military realities, as well as the search for ways to improve and develop it. An important aspect is the identification of both positive and negative factors affecting the industry in the conditions of war. Ukraine has significant agro-food potential, which allows to ensure consumer demand for its own food products. However, the full disclosure of this potential requires appropriate legal and institutional platforms, which are currently lacking. The authors outline the main problems of the development of the food industry, such as the damage to the logistics infrastructure, as military actions have led to the destruction of transport networks, which complicates the delivery of raw materials and finished products. Enterprises in the south and east of the country were particularly badly affected, which caused the loss of production capacity. A large number of skilled workers have gone abroad, creating a labor shortage in the industry. Based on the problems of the development of the industry, the authors proposed ways to improve it, through the restoration of the logistics infrastructure, the reconstruction of destroyed enterprises, and the involvement and motivation of the workforce in Ukraine. The restoration and modernization of transport networks is critical for ensuring stable supply and export of products. State programs and international assistance are needed to restore destroyed production facilities. Programs to support and reintegrate workers returning from abroad, as well as improving working conditions and pay to attract new workers. The state should consider the food industry as one of the flagships of economic prosperity. It is necessary to solve tasks regarding: 1. Support of Ukrainian manufacturers in the industrial markets of other countries: This may include marketing support, promotion of access to new markets and participation in international exhibitions. 2. Recovery of the industry in the post-war period: Clear government programs are needed for the recovery and development of the food industry, including financing, legislative support and international cooperation. The Ukrainian food industry has significant potential for ensuring domestic demand and developing exports. However, for its implementation, it is necessary to solve the problems related to the infrastructure, the restoration of production and the involvement of the workforce. The state plays a key role in supporting the industry, which can become a flagship of Ukraine's economic recovery in the post-war period.


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How to Cite
Shostak, L., Begun, S., & Ulyanytsky, A. (2024). ANALYSIS OF THE FOOD INDUSTRY MARKET DURING THE WAR PERIOD. Economy and Society, (63).