Keywords: investment potential, region, modeling, analysis, sub-index, integral indicator


The article is devoted to topical issues of analysis of the processes of formation of the investment climate of the region. The domestic experience of conducting research on investment potential and investment climate at the regional level is analyzed. An analysis of existing approaches to the interpretation of the concept of "investment potential of the region" was carried out, as well as an own interpretation of this concept was proposed. The factors that have a decisive influence on the processes of formation of the investment potential of the region are systematized. The main sources of investment potential formation are analyzed. It has been proven that the driving force for revitalizing investment processes in the region is increasing its investment potential. We found further development of the issue of quantitative assessment of the investment potential of the region, as well as identification of the nature and directions of relationships between the factors that determine the peculiarities of the formation of the investment potential of the region. A qualitative assessment was conducted and a possible approach to the quantitative assessment of investment potential was proposed using the example of certain regions of the western part of Ukraine. The proposed approach is based on the results of applying the capabilities of correlation-regression analysis and applied econometric tools. The approach developed was implemented on the basis of the analysis of available statistical information on the factors that determine the peculiarities and regularities of the formation of the investment potential of certain regions of the western part of Ukraine. In order to evaluate the integral indicator of investment potential using methods of logical analysis, taking into account available statistical information on the relevant horizon of analysis, a list of sub-indices was formed that reflect the processes in the regional socio-economic system in such areas as financial condition, production, labor resources, foreign economic activity, investment and construction. The results of the study of causality between indicators of sub-indexes of investment potential and the integral indicator of investment potential of certain regions of the western part of Ukraine are given. The trends of changes in the values of integral indicators of the investment potential in the studied regions were analyzed.


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How to Cite
Pilko, A., & Vintoniak , O. (2024). MODELING OF PROCESSES OF FORMATION OF INVESTMENT POTENTIAL OF THE REGION. Economy and Society, (63).