Keywords: competitiveness, the field of hospitality, the restoration of competitiveness, hotel economy, tourism business, financial stability


The purpose of the article is to study the financial aspects of restoring the competitiveness of the hospitality sector in Ukraine for the formation of financial management strategies aimed at the restoration and development of the relevant industry in the context of modern economic challenges and transformations. The relevance of the research lies in the fact that the field of hospitality in Ukraine faces significant challenges caused not only by economic and socio-cultural factors, but also by global trends caused by the destructive impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and Russian military aggression. Changes in consumer preferences, growing competition in the market, as well as the need to introduce new technologies and improve the quality of services in the hospitality industry make the financial aspect of restoring competitiveness an extremely urgent problem. Accordingly, the study of this issue is of great importance for the effective management and development of the hospitality sector in Ukraine, contributing to the increase of its internal stability and competitiveness at the international level. The research methodology is based on a comprehensive analysis of the industry's financial indicators, the use of economic models and forecasting methods. An analysis of scientific literature, statistical data, and empirical research was also used to obtain an objective view of the current state and prospects for the development of the hospitality industry in Ukraine. The obtained results demonstrate the key factors that influence the financial stability and competitiveness of the industry, including the level of investment, the efficiency of resource management, adaptation to changes in demand and the competitive environment, as well as the introduction of innovative technologies. The practical value of the article lies in the formation of recommendations for the business environment and government bodies regarding the development and implementation of financial management strategies aimed at restoring the competitiveness of the hospitality sector in Ukraine, which can lead to sustainable economic growth and improvement of the country's socio-economic development in the future.


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