The article provides a critical assessment of modern challenges in the process of implementing the «green course» of European states, analyzes the possibilities of their interpretation in the national economic system, taking into account the factors of influence of a full-scale military invasion on the territory of the state. Attention is focused on modern problems of ensuring economic transformations of innovative strategic vectors for the implementation of the process of ensuring the formation of a «green course» in the context of globalization and military operations, aspects of modern problems of the formation and progressive development of the «green» economy in Ukraine are investigated. The «green course» of the national economic system is its fundamental task of conceptual transformations in the context of differentiation of possible risks and threats of a globalization nature. A modern critical analysis of the approaches of the countries of the world to the formation of strategic priorities for the formation and implementation of the «green course» demonstrates the absence of a single strategic vector of global development. For example, the international dimension of Europe’s «green course» demonstrates the presence of serious foreign economic challenges, overcoming which is the main goal of the «green» economy of European states in the period up to 2050. In the materials of the scientific research, the results of the analysis of the influence of the «green course» of the European states on the foreign policy of Ukraine in 2024 are highlighted, a special list of the main transformational transformations in the context of the formation of the «green course» of the economic system of Ukraine, taking into account the influence of the factors of the surrounding economic environment, was formed. Ensuring the sustainable development of the national economic system is possible thanks to focusing on the priority trends of innovation and transformational shifts. Therefore, the «green» economy forms new potential opportunities for ensuring progressive transformations in the national economic system. Military actions on the territory of Ukraine are taking place for the second year in a row, which causes significant damage not only to the states infrastructure, but also to its environment. At the same time, one of the fundamental aspects of ensuring Ukraine’s integration into the European Union is the implementation of norms and European principles of sustainable economic development through the prism of the «green» economy. Therefore, the question of determining strategic priorities, potential opportunities and the degree of influence of risks and threats is conceptual in the context of economic changes in Ukraine.
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